The "micEcon" project
Tools for microeconomic analysis and microeconomic modelling in R
What is micEcon?
micEcon is an extension package for the "language and environment for statistical computing and graphics" called R.
micEcon provides functions for microeconomic analysis and microeconomic modelling.
Which R packages are developed
within the micEcon project?
micEcon: Microeconomic Analysis and Modelling.
This is the base package.
It provides tools for microeconomic analysis and microeconomic modelling, e.g.
analysis with Translog functions,
e.g. econometric estimation,
calculation of derivatives with respect to regressors,
calculation of (bordered) Hessian matrices with respect to regressors,
checking monotonicity (positive or negative),
checking curvature (quasiconcavity, concavity,
quasiconvexity, convexity), and
creating a matrix that can be used to impose monotonicity
using a two-step procedure.
analysis with quadratic functions,
e.g. econometric estimation and
calculation of derivatives with respect to regressors.
micEconAids: Demand Analysis with the "Almost Ideal Demand System" (AIDS).
The AIDS is the most popular demand system in empirical demand analysis.
This package provides functions for:
econometric estimation using the popular but inaccurate "Linear Approximation" (LA-AIDS) and the accurate "Iterated Linear Least Squares Estimator" (ILLE)
searching for the intercept of the translog price index (alpha_0) that gives the best fit to the model
optional imposition homogeneity and symmetry
checking for monotonicity and concavity
predicted quantities and expenditure shares
Marshallian (uncompensated) price elasticities, Hicksian (compensated) price elasticities, income elasticities, and their standard errors
micEconCES: Analysis with the "Constant Elasticity of Scale"
(CES) function.
Tools for economic analysis and economic modelling with a Constant Elasticity of Scale (CES) function.
micEconNP: Microeconomic Analysis with Non-Parametric Methods.
Tools for microeconomic analysis and microeconomic modelling with non-parametric methods.
micEconSNQP: "Symmetric Normalized Quadratic"
(SNQ) profit function.
Tools for production analysis with the Symmetric Normalized Quadratic (SNQ)
profit function.
The SNQ profit function is often used in microeconomic production models
because it allows for the imposition of global convexity.
This package provides functions for:
econometric estimation
imposition of global convexity using a recent two-step estimation procedure
price elasticities of inputs and outputs and their standard errors
fixed factor elasticities
shadow prices of fixed factors
Hessian matrix and its derivatives with respect to coefficients
predicted profits and netput quantities including the standard errors and the confidence limits of prediction
miscTools: Miscellanneous Tools and Utilities.
This package provides miscellanneous small tools and utilities, e.g. for
inserting additional rows and columns into matrices
creating symmetric and triangular matrices
conversion between a symmetric matrix and a vector of its linear independent values
tests for positive and negative semidefiniteness
Who has written the packages in the micEcon project?
Where can I get the officially released versions micEcon?
The officially released versions of these packages,
including documentation, source code, etc.,
are available from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN):
You can install theese packages by the R
command (if you have internet access):
install.packages( "packageName" )
Where can I get the latest development versions micEcon?
The (potentially unstable) latest development versions of these packages are available
from R-Forge:
You can install theese packages by the R
command (if you have internet access):
install.packages( "packageName", repos="" )
Under which license are the packages within the micEcon project released?
Where can I ask questions, report bugs, or suggest new features?
Last Update: 19 July 2015